Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#16 Wiki

What I found interesting about wikis is that there is no such thing as a finished product. The content is a perpetual work in progress. It's not like a book that is "finished" when it is published and that needs an updated edition later. The content of a wiki is not static and may grow organically and who knows what thought directions it may take over time. It can be very different from where it started from.

Wikis in libraries would be helpful in all the collaborative ways we do our work. Because wikis can be edited easily by multiple people it may change our mindset as well; we may be more accepting of change in our workplaces and more effective in rising to the challenges facing libraries in a world of rapid technological change.

Wikis also have an application in such things as producing business plans and marketing plans where various staff have input. Getting feedback from staff would be made simpler and more inclusive as staff members would not need to all be at the same place at the same time to contribute their ideas. Draft documents would not need to be printed, edited, retyped, reprinted etc.. great also for the environment!

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